Thursday, June 28, 2012

My Love

I’ll take the time
Find the words to define
Metaphorically speaking It’s the tears a cloud cries
While the sun shines
Bitter sweet Sweet?
I’m guessing it could be
Honey from a hive occupied by one thousand bees
Take as much as you please
If you flee it will sting
The pain of this love is oh so refreshing
Like morning dew It’s sticky sometimes messy
Like juices from a melon that drip down your chin
Or like playing in the rain
An enjoyable cleansing to wash away the past pain
A dozen roses that won’t die
A scent so amazing its hard to describe
Eighth wonder of the world
The look on a fathers face the first time he sees his baby girl
From her first step
To the first date
Her wedding day
The moment he gives her away
What more can I say?
More precious than a diamond
No I won’t continue
Let’s take a lifetime
I’d rather show you than preach to you

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