Thursday, November 11, 2010

Nigga you paying

Ok earlier this morning i got a txt from this dude asking me out. I  
say sure. Dude proceeds to txt me and say we'll have to split the bill  
cause he's hurting. I just kinda ignored him like I never got that  
txt. Quite honestly I was turned off immediately.

I'm not much of a dater I went out on my first date ever earlier this  
yr (stupid late bloomer I know lol) Despite my lack of experience in  
the dating world I have loads of common sense and I know how I want to  
be approached.

Fellas don't EVER ask a woman out and tell her that you will have to  
split the bill. Don't ask a woman out if you don't have the funds to  
pay her way. That makes you look bad. Wait until you get paid. If she  
was gonna go out with you then she'd probably still go once pay day  
rolls around. Don't embarrass yourself and turn her off in the process.

I myself wouldnt mind really cheap or better yet FREE dates. Walking  
around a park chilling on the river going to the movies on 5 DOLLAR  
DAYS etc etc those are actually my preferences. The cheaper the better  
I believe. I have no issuses with paying either. I've picked up bills  
paid for movie tickets etc etc. Even if I was asked out it's not a big  
deal it's extra points for me.

I'd never ask a dude out and tell him to pay for his food. I mean he  
might have to pick me up but hell I ALWAYS offer gas money (don't ask  
why) that's just how I am. I'm more than courteous. Call me a simp if  
you want. Shit I'm rare. Most women expect a man to cover EVERYTHING.  
Trust me ladies if you grab the bill here and there it's appreciated.  
Try it and stop being a moocher. Fellas please please please never go  
on a date broke.

Just my random thoughts (FFT)

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