Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It could all be so simple
But you'd rather make it hard
Loving you is like a battle
And only I end up with scars
That's more than true
It's getting harder everyday
Pushing myself to the limits
I keep letting you back in
Everytime you want to come around
Pushing every man aside
Cause all I want is you
No matter how much you've hurt me
You're the only one that matters
Silly me
Can't see thru the smoke
You're perfection in my eyes
Devil in a Blue dress
Nothing looks better
Nothing compares
Nothing else matters at all
If I had to change myself
Become exactly what you want
Drop my dreams for you
Do anything
Just so youd say I'm worthy
Give up everything for your time
I want you in my life
Confess my secrets
Your love is what I'm seeking
I'll wait as long as I have to
I'm not rushing
I know my day is coming

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