Friday, October 29, 2010

Gender Specific

If you actually believe in OUR God it would be no argument because the bible says he's our father. - Chanel

I say male because Adam was a vision of himself therefore male was created before female- Mike

Both.. And neither... God is not human he's not limited by human characteristics, but if u had to classify he's both- D'Marcus

Male.. There is no such thing as a female gender in heaven. Females were created after man(from adams rib). All heavenly beings are male.... its a mystery, and kinda hard to explain, but there's NO female gender in heaven. - Bartley

Male.. Father Son Holy spirit -Ash

I myself believe that God has NO gender he is just there a spirit- Chiaunte (me)

As we all know God has NO gender. God is not male or female. Nor alien animal elephant dog cat lion tiger or bear OH MY! Or so we've been told. 

We often categorize God as a man. When we pray we call on the "Heavenly father". why is this the case? Is a man superior? Why must our creator be a male? Can a woman not create galaxies so vast and beautiful? Or a species so different from each other so creative so like in her own image? Is she not intelligent or strong enough? Or is she just Inferior to males? 

Maybe it's because God created Adam first and he was created in Gods image so God himself must be male. Or because Eve came after Adam. Maybe because Eve was a weak being. Eve ate from the tree she gave in to temptation. Our God is not a weak God. 

Who or what do you think God is?

All of these questions may NEVER be answered Im pretty much just thinking/typing out loud ..... (FFT) I suppose

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